Thursday 7 July 2011

I think it's going to be one of those days

It's only 9:30 and I've already eaten 8 propoints worth of crap. Need to get off my backside and get some fruit to make up for it.

Those doing WW, what do you do on days like this?


  1. Diet Coke! Also crumpets - 2 of those with a tsp of low-fat spread are about the filligest thing you can have for the fewest poitns, I think. Although I only do old Points, I know nothing about ProPoints.

  2. I think the problem is can't-be-arsedness as much as anything else. I'm wallowing a bit today, lot's of stuff occupying nmy thoughts.

    I've had half a canteloupe, a wholemeal roll with low fat houmous and a WW Fromage Frais and still there's a hole.

    I don't do tea or coffee or diet drinks, but am nursing a large orange squash.

    Tink, the're worked out differently, but apparently it's approximately 1.5 propoints to an old Point.

  3. Just leaving a comment here - even though it's an OLD post. There is NO way to convert Points to ProPoints whatsoever because of the calculation.

    Where Points used calories and saturated fat, ProPoints uses FOUR key nutrients so the calculation is completely different for every single food. So 1.5 ProPoints to a Point is not correct.

  4. Thanks for clarifying. I can't remember who told me that, but I shall ignore :)


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