Sunday 17 July 2011

3rd weigh in

I've been neglecting my blogging duties a bit the past week. I had a bit of an up and down week. There were days I found really tough and I used a lot more of my weekly points this week. I know they're there to be used, but I don't want to get into the habit of using them all because I think that when I'm no longer exclusively breastfeeding and I lose the extra points, I'll struggle to stay within them.

Despite a couple of not-so-good days, I still managed a very good loss. 2kg! That's 4.4lb for those who don't do metric.

I did do a lot more activity this week. I went back to yoga on Monday night, which was great. I've really missed it. It was a bit more intense than the pregnancy classes had been, as you'd expect, and I was aching for a good few days afterwards. I also did more walking, taking the girls into town and walking around on a couple of days as well. I'm pretty much fully recovered from my op now (just the ocassional niggle) so I'm hoping to be able to do even more exercise.

So this week brings my total weight loss to 5.5kg (12lb), which means I've met my first goal, which was to love 5% of my body weight. My new goal is to drop 10%.

I've been doing measurements as well and I've lost 4.5cm from my hips, 4cm from my waist and 3.5cm from my bust.

How did you do this week?

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