Monday 22 August 2011

Weigh in - 21st August

It was always going to be a difficult week, diet-wise. The baby has been having tastes of solids for a couple of weeks, but hadn't really been ingesting much. This week she started having actual meals and dropping milk feeds. Because she hadn't up to that point, I hadn't dropped the extra points allocated for exclusively breastfeeding.

The other challenge was that Friday was our wedding anniversary. We went out for a Mexican meal. I had saved my weekly points, so I had a potential 70 propoints available for the meal (plus 10 activity points), but even being within my points, having a large, propoints heavy meal at the end of the weighing week was not likely to produce a loss!

So I wasn't surprised that I didn't have a loss this week. I was a little bit surprised that I had quite a big gain.

The result: 1.5kg gain. Not great, is it?

Dealing with a gain:
This week I've dropped the 7 extra points for exclusively breastfeeding, so I'm hoping that will help to shift the extra weight from last week. Yoga is off for the next two weeks, so that loses me a few activity propoints, but I took the girls to the park today and had a play on the swings and a walk around, and I'll try to do something each day to make up for it.

This week's big challenge is that we're going away for the weekend, so my weigh in will be a couple of days late, but it should mean a bit more activity. I just have to watch the hotel food.

Onwards and downwards, eh?

1 comment:

  1. that would have been a big surprise, but you did have 2 out of the ordinary thing I'm doing more now is wearing my runners as often as I can...I read it as a tip somewhere else, the theory is that you'll move more as a result (eg. playing with the girls). It seems to be working for me plus my feet are feeling more comfortable. Enjoy your weekend away, I'm sure you'll have a ball and will be more active too.


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