Tuesday 16 August 2011

Non-scale victories

I know in meetings and online this week the focus has been on non-scale victories, that is things other than the numbers on the scale that show your progress.

In my last post I blogged my measurement losses. I hadn't measured for a few weeks so it was nice to see such a difference in the numbers.

I had another non-scale victory today. My jeans were getting a bit baggy soo I set out to buy some new ones. As women everywhere know, buying jeans can be a completely demoralising experience. Finding the right combination of size, length, style and colour is a near impossible task. So I wasn't terribly hopeful as I manoeuvred the pushchair and four pairs of jeans into the fitting room.

First pair - too short.
Second pair - a little tight on the waistband.
Third pair - too big.
Fourth pair - Perfect! Low rise straight leg dark denim. Not my normal, safe bootleg style at all.

Not only were they perfect, but they're a size smaller than my old jeans as well. That's a major non-scale victory.


  1. That is DEFINITELY a non-scale victory :) Perfect!!

  2. Fantastic! The best shopping for jeans trip ever!

  3. Thanks both, I was very pleased. Thank you for your continued support as well :)


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