Sunday 14 August 2011

Weigh in - 14th August

Another loss, but a smaller one this time - 0.5kg (1.1 lbs).

The baby has started solids now, although she's just having small tastes and not actual meals yet, so I will have to drop my points soon as she drops milk feeds. I'll definitely be using my weekly points then!

My average weekly loss is 1.2kg and my total loss to date is 8.5kg. I'm really happy with how it's going and how easy it's been so far, and I'm noticing a real difference in the way my clothes fit. When I find where Big Girl has hidden the tape measure I'll do another lot of measurements and post them.

This week included quite a bit of cake, as I did some baking and had a cream and jam scone on Monday (I had walked quite a long way around Woburn Abbey though!)

I'm still doing yoga weekly, although there'll be a two week break coming up soon so I'll have to find some other exercise to do.

Meals this week included wholemeal wraps, turkey and spinach lasagne, a trip to McDonalds, pizza, steak and salad, smoked haddock fish cakes. Today we're having a roast chicken. I'm roasting potatoes this time but the rest of the veg will be steamed. So I'm obviously not missing out on anything or feeling deprived.

Here's a picture I took at Woburn Abbey on Monday while doing hours of walking!


  1. Wow, 8.5kg total, well done. Sounds like a lovely variety of meals too. That 0.5kg is still a tub of marg gone, great work :)


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