Sunday 26 June 2011

Day 2 - So far so good

At the end of play today I've eaten my 46 points plus 3 weekly points. I had a load of salad with my tea and even had an apple and grapes during the day, increasing my normal fruit intake by two. I'm not feeling deprived, I had a glass of coke with dinner and had a chocolate bar earlier as well.

Let's see if I resist the ice cream or dig further into my weekly points.

I've been exploring the site and have found some recipes that sound good so I'm looking forward to trying those. Now I just need a decent set of scales before weigh in next week (or should I use the pay scales in Boots?).

So today's food:
Toast and jam
1 apple

Salami and tomato quesadilla
Bunch of grapes

Lamb kebab/beef burger
Homemade dressing

Bliss bar
Twix finger

Doesn't look like a diet, does it?


  1. NO! It doesn't look like a diet! That's what I love about it!! :D

    Use the same scales you used to start with for continuity from week one and then weigh with your new set straight after.

    Are you going to track on here? Or are you using the online tracker... and do you have an iPhone???

  2. I used the hospital scales to start, lol.

    I'm using the online tracker, but will post on here regularly as well if my momentum keeps up.

    I don't have an iPhone, but have an Android phone, are they going to do an Android version, do you know?

    And do you know what the box around the point values on thee tracker mean?

  3. Oh! LOL, I thought you were using Wii Fit scales at the beginning too! LOL! Just ignore me then.

    They aren't currently doing an Android one because (as far as I've been told) Android phones have really good internet, so you can just use normal WW Online on them - apparently?

    And if you mean what I THINK you mean, the box around the ProPoints values is to indicate that they're ProPoints (and not Points) - they couldn't get the PP cup symbol on the tracker!

  4. Ah, the cup thing makes sense :)

    Haven't tried looking at the site on my phone, but will have a go. If I can track directly into the site as I go it'll work better for me than trying to remember. I know from experience that I forget things!


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